Thursday, February 3, 2011

Night of the Demon (1980 92 minutes)

My step brother believes in Bigfoot - he sets up recording equipment in the woods and says he has proof. He also says the DNR doesn't t want to admit the species exists because that would mean they would need to be regulated like deer and would be too costly. If he's right. let's hope the creatures aren't anything like the killing machine depicted here. Stock nature footage music gives way to one note synthesizer bleats as bigfoot deals out death after death - from the biker who stopped to take a whizz to the frisky couple in the van. It is even clever enough to use weapons like an axe, pitchfork, someone's intestine's, and in one crazy sequence, grabs the arms of 2 girl scouts holding knives and forces them to stab each other repeatedly like 2 sick puppets.  Into the fray steps professor Nugent and his group of plucky students searching for someone's lost dad and proof of the missing link. Eventually we witness the crazed ritual of the secret backwoods bigfoot cult and (in a flashback within a flashback) the ungodly mating ritual of the creature as he rapes Crazy Wanda. By this time, your head should be ready to explode with the thought of Bigfoot actually existing. I just  hope my step brother doesn't make him mad.

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