Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Warbus (1986 92 minutes) / War Bus Commando (1989 90 minutes)

I had to re-watch these after the viewing the  recent  atrocity  The Expendables. War is brutal, stupid and has consequences + explosions look so much nicer with real flames. In Warbus, some fleeing missionaries barely escape a part of the 'Nam that's being overrun by the enemy and meet up with a few straggling marines so off they go to find a base or border or some safe point. Along the way they come across a bunch of dead soldiers, some are crucified, others are booby trapped to explode. There are some things that need to be blown up like the occasional bridge or fuel depot but everyone on the bus has problems that can't be solved with a few well placed grenade tosses. You keep waiting for the eventual double cross to take place and by the end I couldn't tell for sure if it had happened or not.
In War Bus Commando, also known as Warbus 2, Mark Gregory (the guy who played Trash in the Bronx Warriors) is a special forces lone wolf named Johnny Hondo who single-handedly attacks a Russian base in occupied Afghanistan to free some guy. I was wondering to myself 'when is he going to break out the rocket launcher' about 10 seconds before he did it to blast some guys on the other side of the river. He's  back home in the States enjoying some hunting when he's approached by the guy who played the dean in Animal House with a new mission. It seems Hondo's dad is a disgraced General who left a secret package of documents or something back in Afghanistan so Johnny needs to go back and get it to restore dad's honor. Of course it's hidden inside a bus so he has to fight both the Russian army and Afghan rebels to get to it, meeting an orphan boy and a couple soldier prisoners along the way. At least they're smart enough to fortify the bus with makeshift armor before heading for the border. After much fighting, slow motion gun shooting, and explosions (even a helicopter or 2) we get to the eventual double cross and of course it's all about stupid money.
Sadly, neither bus survives to ride off into the sunset

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