Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Night To Dismember (1982 69 minutes)

I'm usually pretty against voice over narration but when someone at the film lab destroys most of the footage for your movie and you still have to finish it i guess you do what you gotta do.  The Kent family has the bad luck of everyone winding  up suddenly dead. Poor Vicki gets out of the institution and some family members don't want her back so they start trying to spook her into craziness.  Then there's the  killing....lots of it - with some of the most passive axe chopping ever committed to film.  Then a detective shows up but he seems more interested in peeping in Vicki's window than working on the case. I think he's the one doing the narration. Everything is overdubbed - all of the character's voices, all of the sound effects, various random stock library film music, everything. All at once I'm reminded of the opening monologue in Oliver Stone's JFK, Brian De Palma's Sisters, HG Lewis, Godard, Truffuat and more. If David Lynch had made this it probably would've won some kind of award at Cannes. Dogma 95 be damned, If Lars Von Trier or Harmony Korine would  put a couple decapitations or someone getting their chest punched through and heart ripped out in their stuff, maybe I would still remember the names of any of their movies. Doris Wishman, you are my hero. I am awestruck.

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to find a VHS copy of this movie for ages. If anyone has one they'd be willing to sell, please email me at benruffett@hotmail.com
