Thursday, April 14, 2011

Demonoid (1981 78 minutes)

Some hooded cult worshipper steals the Devil Hand and gets attacked by some other cultists, who then chop off her hand and put it in a metal coffin. Cut to modern times and a rich couple who own a mine accidentally stumble upon the cultists temple buried within the mine. They come out with the metal hand coffin and scare the miners. The idiots take the thing home the evil hand promptly possesses the guy who then decides to blow up the mine (with all of the miners inside) and then goes to Vegas to shoot some craps with his new evil hand. Y'see, the hand makes you do BAD things. He makes so much money shooting craps some grifters kidnap him and take him out to a shack to beat the secret out of him. The hand turns the tables by doing some face crushing and then burns  the shack down, killing the guy in the process. But the hand doesn't care 'cuz it has a plan. The burned body gets sent back to L.A. to get buried where the hand possesses a cop. All this time the wife is trying to track her now dead husband down. Ironically, the hand is trying to get back to her to fulfill some sort of curse or something,. She enlists the aid of a priest who changes his accent every few minutes to help her. In the world's best scene, the possessed cop kidnaps the wife and goes to a plastic surgeon and demands 'Cut off my hand or I'll kill you!'. The disembodied hand then grabs the cops gun, shoots the nurse and then crushes the cop's face. Ha, take that you dumb cop! They even find time for a car chase and then the hand hitches a ride on a train. You can't outsmart it. If you try to hide out a hotel, it will find you. If you think you've destroyed it, it will friggin' mail itself back to you. The only thing you can do is praise it's face crushing genius.

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